GROUP 10 - Music Video 2008/9: A Very Detailed Prop List

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

A Very Detailed Prop List

As we are now starting to create our props, we want to make a detailed list of what we need and what it should look like...

The Milkmaid:
We will all create our own version of what we think the milkmaid should look like and then decide on which one would be most effective. We will have to consider what materials we will use and make it compatible for use on strings. We also had the idea of using joint pins to make the milkmaid more flexible, and will have to incorporate this into our ideas also. A second version of the milkmaid will have to be made for when she eventually becomes famous at the end of the song. She will have the same face, but her crown will have turned gold and she will be wearing a glamorous dress.

The Milkmaid's extras:
We also need to make come pales, a crown, and and extra pairs of big hands for the milkmaid, as these additions will be stuck onto her at certain points of the song.

We need to make a umber of backdrops for the many situations that the milkmaid will be in. these will consist of, a field including hills and a sunny sky, a night backdrop with stars in the sky, a stage where she will perform with a crowd behind her, backstage where she will meet with a director. We have divided these separately and will make at least one each.

We have decided to make cardboard cows and sheep in the background to make it more interesting and offer more for the audience to look at. It may also add some humour into the sequence also.

Milkmaid's family:
The milkmaids mother, father and brother are featured in the lyrics of the song, and we plan to include them in a split screen scene. Therefore we will include them into the piece by making small versions of them. They are not a huge part of the song and we therefore do not need to make them too big or detailed. We will also make a young milkmaid to include in this flashback into her past.

The image we have for the director is an overweight and bald man who is quite short. Again, we will all make our own version and decide on which one we think suits the look of the music video the most.

Grass and Trees:
As shown in our test shots, we will make grass and trees to add to the scenery and help to give a 3D effect. We can each make lots of these as the more we have, the more interesting the video will look.

Sun and Moon:
We liked the idea of giving the sun and moon faces so that they look as though they are watching down on the milkmaid. Only one of us will need to make these but we will make spares just in case they are lost.

Thought Bubble:
We have decided to feature a thought bubble that the camera will pan into as if the audience is entering her thoughts. Therefore we will need to make a bigger version alongside the original so that this effect is achieved.

Stars and Clouds:
We will need to make a number of stars to include in the night sky. These will be held above the milkmaid and will seem as though they are floating above her. This also includes the clouds for the daytime backdrop.

For all the objects that are floating above the action, we will use clear wire so that it gives the effect that they are floating by themselves.



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