The track we have decided to use is 'Milkmaid' by Kid Harpoon, which is an Indie Pop song. We therefore target our video at teenagers and young adults, and this is the most popular music type of that age group. Our initial ideas were to film a live performance with a side narrative, but we have since realised that live performances are extremely popular, and we want to make our video unique. Therefore, our new idea is to combine live action and iStopMotion, through the use of paper or cardboard characters. The reason for this, is that the lyrics follow the dreams of a simple Milkmaid, who wants to become something that seems out of reality to her, therefore by taking the video out of reality, we can really pull the fantasy element out of the lyrics. So overall, we will make an effective and unique video.
We have posted a few of our influences in a separate blog. Influences include the new 'Sure' advert and Jack Penate's music video 'Torn on the platform.'
The new sure advert includes a paper girl cutting up some dresses from a magazine and dressing herself. The Jack Penate music video includes a man on a stage made of paper, who dances around, the video also includes direct translation from lyrics to paper.
We will make all of the props out of paper and cardboard in order to make them versatile. It gives us the opportunity to create them however we want, and to give it any image we want.
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